Filling out this form is commitment-free. We'll follow up with more information and get you set up with a helper at a time that's right for you. 

Homework Hour Terms:

1. One full week of Chanukah and two weeks of Pesach will not be included in your billing cycle.
2. Billing cycle is every four weeks from date of sign-up in which Homework Hour was operating. Aside from the weeks mentioned above, no refunds will be administered for vacations, recesses, or missed sessions lasting less than a month.
3. Sessions are approximately 30 minutes each. Sessions may not be timed to the minute.
4. Billing is automatically recurring. Services can be terminated at any time for upcoming months. To terminate services, Homework Hour must be notified a full week before the next scheduled payment. Cancelling mid-month will incur fees.
5. In case of a non-service day or cancellation, parent is responsible to reschedule the session with the homework helper if they so desire. Session must be rescheduled within a week of missed session. By choosing not to reschedule within this time frame, parent forfeits any missed session.
6. A session that was cancelled within an hour of its scheduled time may not be rescheduled.
7. Homework Hour is here to create a happy, stress-free homework experience. Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns!
8. Terms may be subject to change.